How To Handle A Wasp Infestation In Your Attic

Has your attic been buzzing with activity? Are wasps flying around the roofline? When you’ve got a wasp infestation on your hands, don’t panic.

Here’s how to take care of it.

1. Know Your Enemies

The first step is figuring out what kind of pests have invaded your home. Yellow jackets and paper wasps are two common culprits. Yellow jackets are small and black-and-yellow striped, while paper wasps are slimmer with narrow waists.
Knowing which type has infiltrated will help you decide the best solution for removal.

2. Find the Nest

If you want to get rid of wasps, it’s essential to find their nest first. Wasps like making homes in small, enclosed spaces – attics are a common spot.

Keep your eyes peeled for nests around corners and near rooflines while exploring your attic. If that doesn’t help, track wasp activity, and follow them back to their hideout.

Before you start dealing with the wasps, seal off the attic to prevent them from escaping and infesting other parts of your home. Close all windows and doors leading to the attic and cover any vents with mesh screens.

3. Wear Protective Clothing

Before taking care of the infestation, make sure they can’t escape into other parts of your home by closing off all windows and doors leading up there. Additionally, cover any vents with mesh screens as an extra precautionary measure!

4. Use Wasp Spray

Once you’ve identified the nest and taken precautions, it’s time to act. Use a specialized wasp spray designed for attics – this foam shoots up to 20 feet away. Thoroughly douse the nest, wait a few hours, then remove it.

5. Get Rid of the Nest

Once you’ve sprayed, wait a few hours to make sure all wasps are dead. Grab some protective clothing and safely remove the nest for disposal.

6. Stop Future Infestations

Seal any cracks or openings in your home’s exterior to ward off uninvited guests. Ventilate attics and keep them free from clutter – wasps love messes.

Plant mint, lemongrass, or eucalyptus around the house; these plants act as natural repellents.

Key Takeaway

Dealing with a wasp infestation in your attic requires careful attention and precision. Identify the type of wasp, locate the nest, wear protective gear, use an effective spray, eliminate the nest and prevent future issues – these are all essential steps.

When unsure how to proceed it’s best to call upon professional wasp removal services for assistance.